The Bass & Breakfast Show Launch

Easy All,

As we are all going through some challenging times I felt that we could all do with some fun, uplifting and bass. To that end, I'm starting a live stream interactive DJ Mix show on Monday mornings from 9-10AM on MixCloud playing dubstep.

Click here at 9AM GMT Monday mornings to listen 

I'm planning for the shows to start nice and chilled and then to build up those energy levels. It will be a positive and friendly start to the week for everyone.

The show will be great for waking up, commutes, running and other workouts. There is no need to register or pay to listen and MixCloud is the only platform where the producers get commission for having their songs played in this way!

I did a trial run with a few select listeners yesterday and it went well! You can listen to the recording here:

I look forward to linking up tomorrow!

